Some of the Conditions We Treat:
Mold illness is a medical condition that is very serious and often misdiagnosed. When a genetically susceptible individual is exposed to toxic mold spores, an inflammatory cascade occurs due to the body’s inability to remove the mycotoxins. This can result in a complex multi-system illness called “Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, (CIRS)
Lyme disease has been the most under-diagnosed and least understood illnesses of the 21st century. Categorized as the fastest spreading vector-borne illness in the country, the CDC estimates that there are up to 300,000 newly acquired cases per year.
We solve the underlying problem of many different gut conditions, such as Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) , a common disorder that affects the large intestine, and Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) which is a serious condition affecting the small intestine. We also treat Malabsorption syndrome, which refers to a number of small intestine disorders.
Heavy metals are present in the air, drinking water, food and countless human-made chemicals and products. They are taken into the body by inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. If heavy metals enter and accumulate in body tissues faster than the body’s detoxification pathways can dispose of them, a gradual buildup of these toxins will occur.

Diana Gordon, RN, BSN, LPC, APRN, CMFP
Diana is passionate about helping patients manage the sometimes difficult path back to wholeness and good health using a Functional Medicine approach.
Diana Gordon has been treating Lyme and associated diseases since October of 2001. She has 12 plus years of experience, training under a Lyme specialist prior to opening Olathe LAD Clinic. With a strong background in nursing and counseling psychology. Diana Smith holds a Masters of Science in Nursing from Graceland University and is ANCC Board Certified. She earned her Masters in Counseling Psychology from U.M.K.C. and completed a post-graduate internship at the Christian Counseling Center in Kansas City.









Full Laboratory Testing

A number of tests are available to accurately test for mold, toxins, heavy metals and infection. Each patient is different, so different tests may be ordered depending on your particular needs.
Expert Treatment

Once a diagnosis is made, Diana will begin an effective treatment plan that could consist of Oral medicine, herbs, hydration therapy, diet, and exercise.
Emotional Support

Being treated for Lyme, mold or any environmental illness can be emotionally challenging. We treat the whole body, offering physical and emotional support throughout the journey back to wellness.
I was diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever…
I was diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and treated by my primary care physician. Things not only didn’t get better, they got worse.
A friend referred me to Dr. Diana and through her thorough knowledge, testing and concern, she was able to get my body back to a normal “pre-tick bite” state.
I am so grateful to her and her staff for the level of care and experience they offer their patients.
I am so grateful to God for sending me to you
You are truly a “God Send” in every way! I am thankful to you for providing a successful treatment process of my Lyme and co-infections. Your knowledge and continuous learning regarding Lyme, Mold, etc. is amazing and I appreciate that tremendously. Your kind, caring spirit makes this long process easier. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
5 stars doesn’t do Diana justice.
She is extremely intelligent and is a master in this field. She is highly educated and stays up to date on new developments and methods of treatment. She provides the highest quality care a person could give.
I have seen dozens of physicians throughout my treatment journey and none have even come close to comparing to her competence and understanding. She is extraordinarily caring and compassionate with her patients and makes you feel like she truly is there for YOU- as a person not just another patient.
She only wants the best for her patients and sometimes works late into the night to make sure she is providing them with the best care possible. I would never entrust my health or treatment to anyone else. I trust her implicitly and she has proven herself time and time again. The success stories from her treatment and her naturally positive rapport with her patients speak for her.
I have never heard a bad word about her.. truly. I strongly believe I wouldn’t be here today without her and, removing all emotions from the situation, she is a genuinely phenomenal physician.
I truly could not recommend her any higher.
I was treated by Diana at a clinic in Kansas City 12 years ago…
Great experience and would recommend referral of care to others.
Great experience and would recommend referral of care to others. Very thorough, kind, caring, respectful and compassionate.
I am so grateful for Nurse Diana and Olathe LAD Clinic.
Diana is patient, caring, and goes above and beyond for her patients. I was so very sick when I found Olathe LAD. I thought I would never feel better. Diana has helped me reclaim my health and my life
I have been a patient of Nurse Diana’s for several years.
She truly cares for her patients and is nothing but compassionate and very professional. I love how knowledgeable she is about Tick-borne diseases and how she stays up to date on the current research and treatments. I highly recommend her to anyone needing an alternative approach to healthcare.
I appreciate the level of compassionate care Diana & her staff give.
They have always treated me with the utmost respect & care. My health has improved quite a bit in the last seven months in their care. I am once again able to do things I used to do around the house to be helpful & also get out a little more often without my health collapsing on me. I am truly thankful for Diana & her team which have helped me get this far.
I started having strange symptoms in 2017…
… Nausea, insomnia, tremors, heart palpitations, joint aches and depression. I was tested for everything from MS to cancer. Finally, after remembering a tick bite a few months earlier, I asked my GP to test me for Lyme. It came back positive but I was told there isn’t Lyme in Kansas. After suffering for about a year, my prayers were answered when a friend told me about her mother and her success with the Olathe LAD Clinic. I have been seeing Diana since and my health has improved remarkably. It’s been a journey but I’m thankful to have found someone who is so knowledgeable and versed in the Lyme world.
I came to Diana’s clinic severely sick
Unable to walk, talk until later afternoon or evening, bed ridden, in such pain, incredible brain fog, migraines, and brain quivering. My hypoglycemia was uncontrollable. I would have episodes of paralysis, and convulsions. Losing all independence and plummeting downwards. I went to Kansas as my last hope. I have now been doing treatment for 3 years and although I still remain sick there is no comparison to how I used to be. Now being able to walk and receive independence back. There is now hope that one day I will be well and live a healthy life. Diana is so wise in Lyme knowledge which is essential when fighting this vicious and debilitating disease. Truly so grateful.
In 2002, I contracted Lyme Disease from a camping trip in Arkansas
For the next 10 years, I went from doctor to doctor seeking help, but finding none. In 2012, I was rebitten by over 200 ticks after walking into a nest on a hike in the woods. Within 5 months, my health had significantly and dangerously declined. I found Olathe LAD in 2013 and began treatment. Olathe LAD Clinic and Diana Smith have brought me back from the brink. They have supported me both emotionally and physically throughout my journey. I no longer need assistive devices to walk- no more walker or wheelchair. My seizures are gone. My neurological problems have slowly subsided. I am beginning to enjoy life again and finally see that there is light at the end of the tunnel of Lyme Disease.
Olathe LAD Clinic has been wonderful
Olathe LAD Clinic has been wonderful in supporting our family through the journey of Lyme disease treatment and eradication.
When I first started seeing Diana in 2012, I was receiving regular electric convulsive treatments
I was receiving regular electric convulsive treatments (ECT’s) for severe depression and was on medication for depression and anxiety. Thankfully, she diagnosed the cause as Bartonella and suspected Babesia and began treatment. Within a few months, I was able to stop the ECT’s and the anxiety medicine. The depression has not returned and anxiety is no longer a problem. In the past four years with Diana’s oversight, my health has improved markedly. I now have energy and no longer need naps to get through the day, my brain is functioning so much better and my pain is minimal. My blood tests have returned to normal for the most part and she thinks I am getting close to being done. Through it all, Diana has been extremely supportive and caring. She clearly knows what she is doing and I am so grateful for her.